Business Coaching for the Culinary Industry
One-on-One Business Coaching for Food Entrepreneurs.
Are you an established culinary business owner who is ready to take a major leap forward to:
- $Take back your life?
- $Create consistent income?
- $Transform and grow your culinary business?
- $Tackle your next big dream (or exit strategy)?
Welcome. You’re in the right place! At Chef Deb Coaching, we work with food business owners and CEOs to create a life they love, doing the work they are inherently made to do while running a business that doesn’t run them!

Chef Deb Business Coaching Tiers
Join our coaching program and community at the level that best fits your stage of business.
Master Chef
You have some fundamentals in place, but the path ahead is overwhelming, and you feel burned out. You need help identifying your strengths and weaknesses, putting new processes in place, getting new customers, and creating a revenue growth plan that actually works.
Elite Chef
You have a good foundation, a small team in place, and are making a profit. Now you’d like to have the choice to cook (or not) and take on more of a visionary CEO role. You need more advanced processes and systems in place, with a coach who has been there, done that.
Legacy CEO
Business is going well …
and now it’s time to make that next BIG goal a reality! You’re ready to monetize, scale, and take action to streamline operations. You may be thinking ahead to retirement, and you are ready to find and connect with leaders at your level.
Chef Deb’s Success Process
“Even though I had been a personal chef for over 6 years when I started working with Deb, I still didnt really know how to run a business. Deb helped me to show up like a CEO, to get my business organized and running efficiently, to actually create a PLAN instead of guessing and letting potential clients run me. I was a slow starter, but within 3 years of starting to work with Deb, I doubled my income. If you really listen to her coaching, you can reach that much faster.”

Andrea Sprague,
The Holistic Chef

We Take a Different Approach to Masterminds.
The term “mastermind” can conjure up a range of assumptions, based on your past experiences.
At Chef Deb, we strongly believe that rising tides lift all boats and have thoughtfully created Mastermind COMMUNITIES that our coaching clients tell us are invaluable.
Each coaching client becomes a member of the Chef Deb community at large and also gets access to one of our mastermind cohorts, which are:
- $Small groups of business owners at the SAME coaching tier level
- $ Each small group is led by a Chef Deb coach who has achieved a level beyond the mastermind’s tier, to ensure the group is always guided forward
- $ Each community group meets remotely for a scheduled virtual session every other week to share their experiences, challenges, victories, insights, and lessons
- $ Our communities become close-knit and genuinely care for and support each other

You CAN Build and Grow a Profitable Business with Less Stress.
Let’s Get Growing, Together!
Chef Deb and the whole team look forward to meeting and partnering with you to:
- Increase revenue (and profits!) using Chef Deb’s proven strategies
- Implement the right tools and resources
- Create a strategic plan for YOUR unique business
- Create consistent income (escaping the feast and famine cycle)
- Reduce stress and burnout
- Turn your vision into reality and transform your business with your coach and the Chef Deb Community walking beside you!